
Crisis is the shadow of opportunity. Your symptoms surface to be healed and transformed.

Are you looking for therapy with a holistic approach? Holistic means that we will address your whole being - mental, physical, emotional, spiritual (if applicable), and the impacts of your environment. This lens focuses on the interconnections of your mind and being. Rather than dealing with symptoms, we will address root issues. Through active collaboration, we can bring long-term wholeness to your body, mind, and soul. We will take into account physical, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects of your life.

This integrative approach focuses on the relationship between your mind, body, and spirit. The latin roots of the word heal are restore and whole. If healing then, is a restoration to wholeness, a holistic approach is essential. Welcoming all the parts of yourself back home.

My style is warm, direct, and collaborative. I am an engaged therapist, offering clear tools and guidance when wanted.

I work well with those looking for a fresh, holistic approach to the therapy space. I blend effective therapy techniques with life coaching guidance. This balances our work between addressing challenges, distress, and trauma with how you want to move forward in your life.

I work best with clients who take responsibility for their healing process. Who show up with intention and focus for session.


  • Anxiety and panic are common symptoms to experience in our stressful society. Given the circumstances, it may be realistic that we all will experience some level of anxiety on a day to day basis. However, if your anxiety is moderate to high consistently or you’re having panic attacks, this can greatly disrupt your functioning and life. You deserve to have support and clear ways of managing your anxiety so that it can decrease. Many find that once they really get to know their panic and triggers and know how to deal with these symptoms on both a mental and physical level, that the panic decreases or goes away entirely.

  • Depression is a broad term that includes a variety of uncomfortable experiences and moods ranging in severity. One way of looking at depression is that it is the culmination of stuck feelings. When feelings of anger, sadness, etc are suppressed over time you may become depressed, or dull. When one suppresses or numbs one feeling, the entire range of feelings ends up numb. Depression can also stem from physical issues including low vitamin levels or an imbalance in neurotransmitters. You may want to get some physical tests from a naturopath or holistic doctor to make sure that is not contributing to your low mood. Again, I’ve found that when depression has a safe space to express and release, it can shift into more balanced moods. Learning how to manage and understand your depression is essential.

  • Climate distress is psychological distress due to climate change and government inaction to address the crisis. Climate distress can include a broad range of emotions such as anxiety, hopelessness, fear, guilt, shame, grief, loss, and helplessness. Climate-aware therapy provides a safe space for these feelings to be felt and voiced. This includes validation of your unique experience in becoming fully aware of climate and ecological destruction. I use clear steps I’ve formulated to work with climate distress like using the stages of grief and connecting with the broader movement of people helping create a socially and ecologically just world.

  • Due to adverse childhood experiences, trauma, or bullying you may have developed low self-worth. This means that you may have low self-esteem and have frequent negative thoughts or feelings about yourself. Babies are not born with low self-worth. It is something we learn through life experience. And it is possible to restore your self-worth to a healthy place! This takes consistent work to address and heal wounded places and blocks to a healthy view and experience of yourself. Healthy self-worth is essential in creating and manifesting a life that you love and relationships that are enjoyable.

  • I have over 6 years experience working with eating disorders including completing my clinical training hours as a group therapist at Rosewood Center for Eating Disorders in LA. I have experience treating anorexia, binge eating, bulimia, unspecified disordered eating, body dysmorphia, and negative body-image. Eating disorders are like a different language, a language of metaphor and symbol. Once you understand your disordered eating, you will have the keys to address the root issues and to fulfill your true emotional desires.

    Body Image can take longer to recover from than the behavioral part of an eating disorder. However, with skills and tools for coping on challenging days, this too can fade away and be replaced by a healthy and balanced view of yourself that is less perfectionistic.

  • Grief can be the result of the loss of a loved one, job, or home. It can also come from the loss of one’s childhood or parts of oneself due to trauma. This can feel like soul-loss. Creating a safe space for grief to express itself without being fixed is healing.

  • I have 6+ years of experience working with women around sexual assault, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and sexual addiction. In addition, I work with clients experiencing pre-menstrual sensitivity due to hormonal changes or for unknown reasons. The days or weeks before your period can reveal a lot emotionally about what is no longer serving or working for you. Learning to honor rather than pathologize this time can lead to insights and healing.

  • As an HSP myself, I very much enjoy working with other highly sensitive people. This includes those who are particularly sensitive to sensory stimuli including voices, loud noises, and violence in the media. In addition, HSP people easily see the beauty around them. However they are easily overwhelmed. Often, they are empathetic or called “empaths” and soak up the feelings or moods of those around them like a sponge. Mostly, I notice that HSP folks are easily impacted by their environment and the energy of those around them. In sessions, we focus on your sense of belonging (even when it doesn’t feel comfortable) and teaching skills for protecting and managing the energy of other people and environments.


“I just want to say thank you. My life has completely changed over these past few months. I can truly say that I am happy. Life has been amazing. It’s not because of anything specifically. It has just been me enjoying it. I’m learning to love who I am. I truly want to say thank you because you have helped me so much during our sessions.”

anonymous client

“I cannot begin to thank you enough for how much you've helped me change my life. Your presence on this planet is unbelievably important. You are needed. So thank you, again so much.”

anonymous client